Students in 10th grade English reviewed their reading of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" by creating tableaux or "snapshots" of key scenes. They worked in teams to plan their scenes and perform them for the class. They were not only reviewing the literature, but also exercising creativity and cooperation.
3 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Greenwood Middle/High School
We are off to a great start with our cereal box collection. We have 44 boxes of cereal so far. Remember...we are hoping to beat last year's record of 205 boxes! With conferences this week, it would be a great time to drop off your unopened boxes of cereal for our domino challenge! We will be collecting boxes up until December 19th.
3 months ago, Greenwood Elementary School
cereal reminder
We are officially ONE WEEK away from the start of the Book Fair. Students will shop according to the schedule shown. Book Fair flyers will be coming home throughout this week.
3 months ago, Greenwood Elementary School
Book Fair Schedule
Yesterday, the Global Ag class used their passports to take a trip around the world to compare different counties around the world.
3 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Global Ag around the world
Global Ag around the world
Global Ag around the world
16 students participated in the Sports and Marketing Day with the 76ers and a tour of the Eagles stadium A case study and career panel was held before the game. One student got to shoot a foul shot on the court.
3 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Eagles press room
Greenwood Elementary invites all veterans to our program on November 11th to honor their service to our country.
3 months ago, Greenwood Elementary
Happy Halloween from Mrs. Ryberg's 6th graders! They are working hard on their spooky, scary Halloween narratives!
3 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Happy Halloween from 6th Grade! We are working hard on our spooky, scary narratives!
Greenwood Field Hockey enters the District 3 Consolation Round. Newport vs. Greenwood Wednesday 10/30/2024 5:00 pm @ West Perry HS All tickets will be sold via District 3 Online:
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Field Hockey
Get in the holiday spirit by painting the iconic seasonal truck next Sunday. Benefits Greenwood DECA Business Club.
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
GWDES Families: Please help your child(ren) celebrate and honor Healthy Choices (Red Ribbon) Week by participating in our fun spirit week next week starting Monday, October 28th through Friday, November 1st!
4 months ago, Greenwood Elementary
graphic showing different spirit wear days
Greenwood Athletic Association's Annual Spirit Wear Sale is going on now! Online orders only. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 10, 2024. Visit to order today!
4 months ago, Greenwood School District
GAA Spirit Wear Sale
Greenwood Field Hockey Advances to Quarterfinals! Susquenita vs. Greenwood Saturday 10/26/2024 11:00 am @ Susquenita HS All tickets will be sold via District 3 Online:
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Field Hockey
In 7th grade health, the students have been exploring the body and its systems! This culminating project brought our knowledge of what each organ does together with learning about where each organ is located in the human body. Each group then got to give their person some unique flair with a personality, some looks, and its own medical condition.
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Person Example
Student Example 1
Student Example 2
Student Example 3
Student Example 4
In Mr. Sieber's class last week, 8th Grade students completed a lab on computer hardware, taking a desktop computer apart and putting it back together again to learn the core parts that make it work.
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
4th Period Hardware Lab
4th Period Hardware Lab
4th Period Hardware Lab
Greenwood Middle/High School Kindness club is making progress on kindness messages around the school and Middle School is winning the School-Wide Kindness Challenge !!
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
make kindness the norm
kindness is like a flower
hearts as challenge
Congratulations to the Field Hockey Team and Coaches for qualifying for the District 3 Playoffs! Wednesday 10/23 FH will play vs Annville Cleona 7:00 pm at Cedar Crest HS 115 E Evergreen Rd, Lebanon, PA 17042 All tickets will be sold via District 3 Online: Please note, the Bracket and Ticket link will adjust to a 7pm start time from a 4pm start time. Please do not purchase tickets until the link is modified to say 7pm!!!
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
Playoff Field Hockey
We're learning with our fire and rescue heroes from Liverpool & Millerstown's fire departments today!
4 months ago, Greenwood Elementary School
Fire prevention
fire prevention
When a Kindergarten student asks "how did it do that?" You learn how pencils are made, take apart a pencil sharpener, explore and put it back together.
4 months ago, Greenwood Elementary School
Life Skills and Multiple Disabilities students gathered for some fall fun! The students made pumpkin juice and Autumn trail mix. They listened to a news article about the Great Pumpkin Fall Festival while they enjoyed their snack and juice.
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School
MDS and Life Skills Students
Pumpkin Juice
Pumpkin Juice
Pumpkin Juice
This week, members of the Honor Society and FFA teamed up with several community organizations to make blankets for flood victims. In total, 76 blankets will be taken to North Carolina at the end of the month.
4 months ago, Greenwood Middle/High School